Open Banking with PSD2

The revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) requires banks to allow third party providers (TPPs) to access account and make payments on their customer’s behalf and with their consent.

This regulation ensures that banks put into place the necessary systems to securely and reliably share their services and data with registered TPP.

APIs are already widely used across the internet to share information and provide secure access to accounts and payment services.

iBanFirst PSD2 API

iBanFirst’s open API can be used for both account information (AISP) and payment services (PISP).

Our API was certified and iBanFirst is exempted from any fallback mechanism in the context of PSD2.

Since our priority is to secure customer’s data and ensuring a smooth customer experience, as well as adhering to market standards, our PSD2 services are based on a common “redirect” method (defined in standards such as OAuth2.0).

Our PSD2 API are free to use for all registered AISPs and PISPs. If you are a registered TPP and wish to use our API, please contact us at

Sandbox Credentials

Our PSD2 API Sandbox is an open environment that allows to experiment, develop and test TPP’s application for the PSD2 services. It covers accounts information, payment initiation and secure customer authentication.

After using the following credentials to register yourself, you can submit API requests and receive simulated responses.

Login: m01148y
Password: AccountPSD2
Authentication: 000000
Test URL:
EUR IBAN: BE90 9140 0154 4332
USD IBAN: BE68 9140 0154 4534



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iBanFirst S.A. est dûment autorisée et réglementée par la Banque nationale de Belgique (numéro 0849.872.824) en tant qu'établissement de paiement. Membre du réseau SWIFT, iBanFirst S.A. est certifiée pour effectuer des paiements dans toute la zone SEPA. En tant qu'établissement de paiement, iBanFirst S.A. propose uniquement des solutions de couverture de change (contrats à terme, à terme flexible, et à terme dynamique) liées à des opérations de paiement sous-jacentes. iBanFirst S.A. ne propose pas d'options ou autres instruments financiers à des fins d'investissement ou de spéculation.